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Tangmere Community Garden

Located in Tangmere, West Sussex is a community garden dedicated to growing and nurturing so much more than just plants. We spoke to member, Kate Beach, to find out more about the space and the close-knit community behind this project!
What is currently growing at Tangmere Community Garden?
At the moment we have leeks planted rather late last year so they are small-ish, we have spring cabbages in the polytunnel and some coming later outside. Our large asparagus bed is just beginning to show the first spears and we have autumn planted garlic and onions coming on very well as well as broad beans which are flowering now.

How many volunteers/members are involved?
Our membership is around 20, with about 12 active members. Our membership is open to all, whatever age or ability.

What equipment do you have at the gardens? 
We have 2 polytunnels, one small used as a potting shed and storage. The other is much larger and contains a permanent fig and a peach tree. It has some large bags and bins for growing crops all year and we have space for tomatoes, peppers, chillies and squash.

What does community gardening mean to you?
Community Gardening is my passion; I have been an avid gardener since childhood and now I am much older I like to pass the skills on to the younger generations.

Tell us a bit more about Tangmere Community Garden?
Tangmere Community Garden is all about growing things: fruit and vegetables; pigs and chickens; friendships; community; good health; knowledge and skills, our own food.

We have an old railway carriage for all our tools and tea and coffee equipment and we also have an old vintage BBQ and a wonderful pizza oven, which we use for suppers during the summertime. Every year we host an open day for the local villagers to turn up for our lovely produce and delicious cakes. The social side is very important to us in the garden!

Tangmere Community Garden started in February 2010 on land owned by the Parish Council and have been supported with a 7-year agreement to use the land. Tangmere Community Garden has also helped to plant the neighbouring community orchard. Our cooker is central to our fun, whether it is boiling our kettle or fuelling a garden lunch of whatever is to hand.

Our friendship crop is as important as our fennel. We have all made friends with people that we probably would not have met if we didn’t have the garden. Whatever time people have for the garden is the right amount of time. It is a place of chatter and children’s noise on some days and of peace on others. But it is always a place of friendship and fresh, ‘home-grown’ food.

Expert Garden Supplies proudly sponsored this wonderful community space recently with some essential gardening supplies and look forward to hearing updates from the team as the season progresses!

Images courtesy of Monica Garcia

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Tangmere Community Garden website
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